Amazing Grace Ministry
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Why Grace Is So Amazing.
When someone gives you a gift, do you say; "That's very nice... how much do I owe you?" Of course not, the appropriate response to a gift is "Thank You". Yet how often we as Christians, even after receiving the gift of salvation, feel obligated to try to work our way to God. Because our salvation and even our faith are gifts, we should respond with gratitude, praise and joy.

This is how I feel...

Amazing Grace how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me.

I once was lost, but ow I'm found was blind but now I see.

It was grace that taught my heart to fear, and grace my fears relieved;

How precious did that grace appear the hour I first believed!

Through many dangers toils and snares, I have already come;

This grace has brought me safe this far and grace will lead me home.

Thank You, Jesus!
Personal Evangelism
God has a plan, purpose and the power to equip every believer to be a witness. So that we can be a more effective witness of the saving power of Jesus Christ.

We need "power" in evangelism and we also need to know that it is God's work and not ours. To evanglize means to bring "good news". We not only tell people the good news, we also try to persuade people to act on it, accept Christ and all that He offers.

God saw that messengers would be needed to take the good news of redemption to every person everywhere in the world. And what better messengers than those of us who have experienced His salvation? We should be His witnesses. Our lives should be the proof that the salvation we speak about is real. Our Savior "will go with us and work through us as we go forth to spread the "good news".

Go ye therefore and make disciples of all nations"
The Kingdom of God
Every believer is called to live daily in the recognition that Jesus Christ is the only bonafied Lord and Savior of the universe. The blessed power of the God can never disappoint those that have absolute trust in the Son of God, Jesus Christ. How can the Almighty God the "Ancient of Days", disappoint His faithful servants? It never has happened and it never will!

When you fully submit to the keeping power of the Almighty God through Christ, then you will no longer fear what Satan, demons and their human agents will try to do to you.

The moment you become daily conscious of the presence of the Spirit of God before and behind you, then no evil spirit can approach you. Therefore even the greatest evil spirit, Satan himself must flee from you, if you are always in the presence of the Father and Our Lord Jesus Christ.

The Spirit and The Word
God compares both Himself and His Word to light. This reminds us again of the woman and the lost coin. What a picture of evangelism! The house is dark, the coin is there somewhere, but but lost. The woman doesn't just start groping for it in the dark. What does she do first? She lights a lamp. (Luke 15:8)

The coins we are looking for lie in a dark, dark world. False concepts of life have casts shadows over the whole human race. Doubt, unbelief and sin have plumnged the world into spiritual darkness. odliness, selfishness, hatred and sucspicion and fear deepen the darkness into despair. Our own wisdom cannot oenetrate the darkness of a lost and guide them to God. We must have light, the light of the Spirit and the Word.

Think of an electric light. just as electricity flows through two wires and produces light, God pours His power into into each of us through two channels: His Spirit and His Word and fills us with light. Both channels are needed. It is this powerful combination of Spirit and Word that will let the light of the gospel shine through us as we give ourselves unto God in evangelism.
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The Power of Love
Anyone's success or failure in life depends to a large degree on his or her attitudes and motives. Our attitudes reveal the love or lack of it, that is so essential to effective evangelism. It is love for God and love for people. The deeper our love for God and for people, the more dynamic we will be in whatever methods we use. Love for God is the key to surrender to Him, so that He can use us. Love for people is the key to a ministry that will attract them to Christ. Love for God and for people will also help us to see ourselves in the right perspective and to find our place in God's plan.

The spirit of evangelism is love, love that comes from the heart of God. It makes us friendly, concerned about the needs of others, and compassionate to new converts. Without love and these attitudes, the most wonderful methods of evangelism in the world will fail.

The Power of Prayer
No one understands the mystery of prayer, but we can all praise God for it's effects! There are many reasons why we should pray. The Bible says, "the prayer of a righteous man availeth much" (James 5:16). A ministry of prayer is essential for evangelism.

We want you to know what happens when we pray, what we should pray for and how we should pray. Expect God to work in you, in others and in your circumstances as you pray and praise Him.

Why should an all powerful God give us a part in His work in this way through prayer? It is because He wants us to share His interests and discuss with him the right way to do the job He had given us. He is pleased when we thank Him for the victories He gives us and the prayers he answers. God has made us depend on prayer so we will be drawn closer to Him in love and fellowship.

God is looking for ways to prove His love to us by answering our prayers. This is how He builds faith in our hearts and in the hearts of those who hear what we tell them about God. Whatever the reason, we know that God works in us, in others and in our circumstances as we pray.

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